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Majura Community Energy Project

The Majura Community Energy Project is a 1.2MW solar farm, nestled in the Majura Valley in Canberra, next to the Mount Majura Vineyard. It is the first development project of SolarShare.


The project was funded by more than 350 investors from the ACT community each contributing between $500 – $100,000. Approximately $2.54 million was raised and the solar farm was commissioned in March 2021.

Project stats at a glance

Last updated May 2024

April 2021

Commenced operation


Bi-facial solar modules

2778 MWh

Max electricity per year


ACT houses powered per year


Leased property


Raised from the community


Local ACT investors


Carbon dioxide offset so far

About the farm:
a modest but mighty powerhouse

The Majura Community Energy Project produces enough electricity to power 260 ACT households each year.


The solar farm uses a single-axis tracking system, aligned on the north-south axis, manufactured by Schletter. It features 4,200 bi-facial solar modules on 12 arrays spread over the 3-hectare site. We chose bi-facial panels to capture the reflection from the ground and ambient air. 


The system was chosen due to the undulation of the property, as it means we have sufficient minimum height between the panel and the ground.


Income from the solar farm is secured by a long-term energy contract for the purchase of the electricity we generate. The farm wouldn’t be viable without this guaranteed revenue.


So far, SolarShare has completed two distributions to investors, equivalent to a 14% return on their original investment. 


We’re proud to be part of the energy transition in the ACT, contributing more than 5.2kt of CO2 offset since the farm commenced operation (equivalent to planting more than 490,000 trees). 


Numerous investors are highly engaged – they visit the farm, and participate in tours and working bees for tree planting and grounds maintenance. Our regular newsletters keep them informed about the company.

We foster partnerships and build communities

We’ve partnered with local tertiary institutions such as ANU, UC and CIT.


Community groups such as Molonglo Conservation Group and Majura Valley Landcare, among others, are also part of our community network.


SolarShare has hosted many local and international visitors to the solar farm to explain our vision and working model in detail. 

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